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Here is what you can order in bulk or in our Supersac!

Premium Garden Soil

Premium Black Loam

Recommended use in: Top dressing the lawn, garden & flower beds. For use in pots and planters of all sizes.

Consists of: 95% Pure Black Loam,5% Peat Moss

Qualities: Black in colour, light & soft and powder like in texture.

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Enriched Garden Mix

Recommended use in: or use in vegetable gardens and flower beds. When planting trees and shrubs.

Consists of: 55% Pure Black Loam, 30% Composted Manure, 15% Peat Moss

Qualities: Very dark in colour, medium in weight and loose in texture.

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Top Soil

Recommended use in: Used for grading & drainage purposes around the home. Provides a stable base underneath freshly laid sod.

Consists of: 100% Sandy Loam Virgin Soil

Qualities: Brown in colour, heavy in weight & stable and compactable.

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Premium Bulk Mulch

Midnight Black Mulch

Midnight Black is a dark understated mulch that accentuates all of the plant life it surrounds. It makes the colourful flowers look much more vibrant. Mulch is used to preserve moisture, protect soil from weeds, and keep soil temperatures from fluctuating.

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Red Mulch

Red is used to inject some serious flare to your flower beds. It adds a bright red splash of colour to any bed. Mulch is used to preserve moisture, protect soil from weeds, and keep soil temperatures from fluctuating.

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Golden Cedar Mulch

Golden Cedar is an all-natural soft gold and yellow mulch. It is a blend of small cedar chips and finer mulch that provides a great backdrop to any flower bed. Mulch is used to preserve moisture, protect soil from weeds, and keep soil temperatures from fluctuating.

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Forest Pine Mulch

Forest Pine is a very fine textured dark brown all natural mulch. It also has a strong appealing forest floor scent that illuminates any garden. Mulch is used to preserve moisture, protect soil from weeds, and keep soil temperatures from fluctuating.

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Premium Bulk Gravel and Sand


Applied as a fine base compacted on top of a coarser sub base for the purpose of laying patio stones.

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3/4" Recycled Gravel

Used as a coarse sub base underneath patio stones providing a solid base.

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3/4" Crush & Run Gravel

Used as a coarse sub base underneath patio stones providing a solid base.

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3/4" Clear Gravel

Clear gravel used in drainage applications.

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3/8" Pea Gravel

Pea Stone is used with great effect in Zen Gardens. Its great to walk on with shoes or barefoot. Provides a very tranquil backdrop to any garden area. Also suitable for all types of gardens, paths, patios and domestic driveways as an attractive and lower maintenance material than grass or paving.

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1" Round Stone

This material is a mix in size ranging from a large marble to a ping pong ball. Great as a mulch substitute in flower and garden beds. It is also a particularly economical solution for use in large areas.

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1" - 3" Round Stone

This material is a mix in size ranging from a golf ball to a softball. Great as a ground cover holding down weeds and unwanted grass growth. It is also a particularly economical solution for use in large areas.

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Used in children’s sand boxes and play areas.

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Real Comments by Real People, Your Neighbors Actually!

Coverage is measured in square feet
Cubic Yards 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1/2" 648 1296 1944 2592 3240 3888 4536 5184 5832 6480 7128 7776
1" 324 648 972 1296 1620 1944 2268 2592 2916 3240 3564 3888
2" 162 324 486 648 810 972 1134 1296 1458 1620 1782 1944
3" 108 216 324 432 540 648 756 864 972 1080 1188 1296
4" 81 162 243 324 405 486 567 648 729 810 891 972
5" 65 130 195 259 324 389 454 518 583 648 713 777
6" 54 108 162 216 270 324 378 432 486 540 594 648
7" 46 93 139 185 212 278 324 370 417 463 509 555
8" 40 81 122 162 202 243 283 324 364 405 445 486
9" 36 72 108 144 180 216 252 288 324 360 396 432
10" 32 65 97 130 162 194 227 259 292 324 356 388
11" 30 59 89 118 148 177 207 236 266 295 325 355
12" 27 54 81 108 135 162 189 216 243 270 297 324

Waterdown, 3ºC

Friday, 3ºC

rain and snow

Saturday, 17ºC

light rain

Sunday, -0ºC

rain and snow

Monday, 6ºC

heavy intensity rain

Tuesday, -1ºC

overcast clouds

Wednesday, 1ºC

light rain

Thursday, 4ºC

light rain

Burlington, 17ºC

Friday, 17ºC

light rain

Saturday, 24ºC

light rain

Sunday, 24ºC

overcast clouds

Monday, 23ºC

moderate rain

Tuesday, 11ºC

light rain

Wednesday, 8ºC

overcast clouds

Thursday, 13ºC

heavy intensity rain

Oakville, 4ºC

Friday, 4ºC

rain and snow

Saturday, 17ºC

light rain

Sunday, 0ºC

rain and snow

Monday, 5ºC

heavy intensity rain

Tuesday, -1ºC

overcast clouds

Wednesday, 2ºC

light rain

Thursday, 4ºC

moderate rain

Stoney Creek, 4ºC

Friday, 4ºC

moderate rain

Saturday, 18ºC

moderate rain

Sunday, 1ºC

moderate rain

Monday, 6ºC

heavy intensity rain

Tuesday, -2ºC

overcast clouds

Wednesday, 4ºC

moderate rain

Thursday, 5ºC

light rain